Patent Valuation

The value of your patent depends on factors such as market demand, the strength of the patent, market size, competitive advantage, licensing potential, and remaining patent term. For a precise valuation, professional services can provide a detailed analysis.

Request Patent Valuation.

Patent Valuation Process


Speak to a Patent Attorney


Provide your Patent Number or Patent Documents


Obtain your Patent Value as a Report from a Patent Valuator

Company-Specific Valuation:


Company-Specific Valuation
This service is ideal if you plan to sell a patent to a specific company. We evaluate your patent’s value based on its worth to that company.

For example:

  • Your patent might be more valuable to Company X than Company Y.
  • A patent’s value can increase if owned by a specific company.

Additional company-specific reports beyond the first are available.

Company-Specific Valuation

(WITH A Target Company)


Fixed Fee

General Valuation

(WITH A Target Company)


Fixed Fee

General Valuation is for:

If you don’t have a specific company in mind for selling or licensing your patent, this service provides a general valuation. It serves as a starting point for discussions with any potential company you may approach.

If you do not have a specific company in mind for selling or licensing your patent, this service provides a general valuation, offering a solid foundation for discussions with any potential buyers or licensees.

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Q & A about Patent Valuations

Q: How is the patent value determined?

Patent Valuation Process:

A Patent Valuator will determine the value of your patent by analyzing several key factors, including:

  • The actual or potential sales of the product or service protected by the patent.
  • The strength and enforceability of the patent.
  • The size and potential of the market for the product or service.

If you have a specific target company in mind, we will perform additional analysis to assess the unique value that company could gain by purchasing or licensing your patent.

A: Yes, the value will be calculated based on the assumption that the patent be approved in the future.
A: A report containing the value of your patent as well as research and figures supporting the resulting patent value. All research and analysis are conducted by a team of professional patent valuators.
A: Yes. please contact a consultant who can send you a sample patent valuation report.
A: To get an idea of what your patent is worth. If you are considering selling or licensing your patent to someone else or a company, how do you respond if they ask you what do you want for the patent? You don’t want to say too high or too low. A patent valuation gives you a starting point of discussion with a prospective purchaser or licensee. It can also be used to strengthen the appeal of your patent. For example, you may tell a potential buyer that you are interested in selling a patent with a certain value to them. Furthermore, if you order a patent valuation that is considers a specific company (the company specific valuation), the valuation will state how the patent will further benefit the specific company and how much additional value the patent may bring to that company.