Utility Patent Application

Apply for 20 Years of Patent Protection Secure exclusive rights for your invention for up to 20 years by filing a patent application that protects how your invention works. Our experienced patent attorneys and agents offer professional services with transparent, fixed fees to guide you through the process efficiently.

Apply for Utility Patent Application.

Utility Patent Application Process

Create your IP

Review by a Patent Attorney or Agent

Request a Patent Search Report

Provisional patent app is filed. Earn 12 months of temporary “patent pending” status

Apply for a full non-provisional patent application within 12 months

File a Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application

Mechanical invention

+$364 Govt Fee*

Invention of software or methods

+$364 Govt Fee*

Highly technical innovations as biology, chemistry, or electrical circuits

+$364 Govt Fee*

All Plans Include:

Consultation with a Licensed Patent Practitioner

Ask legal questions and get legal advice about patent applications from a licensed patent practitioner.

“Patent Pending” Status for 12 Months

A provisional patent application allows you to use the phrase “patent pending” for 12 months.

Patent Application Filing Date

Receive a filing date from the US Patent Office which sets your date in line with them.

Government Receipt

You will receive an official receipt from the US Patent Office confirming acceptance of your provisional patent application.

Electronic Signing

Our proprietary electronic signature system allows you sign patent application documents from your computer or mobile device.

Live Team Monday-Friday

We are here live, Monday-Friday, by email, phone, or chat. Give us a ring, we’ll be happy to chat with you about the patent process or have a patent practitioner answer any legal questions.

*$60 govt fee assumes you are classified as "micro entity" by USPTO. If you have filed more than 4 non-provisional patent apps in the past, or have an annual income of greater than $241,830, you may be classified as "small entity" or "large entity" which requires a $120 or $300 govt fee

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5,096 Obtained Patents

Our patent attorneys and agents have worked on 5,096 granted patents

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